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Foss Solutions for the Wine Industry

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OenoFoss™ Go

With OenoFoss™ Go you can perform rapid analysis of key quality parameters, allowing you to think and act on your feet to improve your business.

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OenoFoss™ provides instant process information on key parameters, helping winemakers to improve wine quality while saving money on wine analysis.

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WineScan™ SO2

WineScan™ SO2 ensures full control of the winemaking process from grape harvest to bottling. Ready-to-use calibrations allow simultaneous analysis of key wine quality parameters including free and total SO2.

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Wine Solutions from Biopharm

Do you want to test wine for beverage spoilers? For fast and specific screening and detection of microbiological spoilage parameters in wine, a wide product line of qPCR kits is offered.

We offer several qualitative real-time PCR test kits for wine analysis, e.g. for detection of the yeast Brettanomyces (Dekkera bruxellensis) which may spoil the taste and flavour of the wine. The following spoilage bacteria and yeasts are of special interest in the wine industry and should be monitored:

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