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Dissolution Testers USP 1, 2, 5, 6

DT light Series

The DT light series consits of basic stand-alone dissolution testers with USP method 2 paddles for manual sampling dissolution testing at an entry-level price.

Dissolution Tester DT 820 Series

ERWEKA DT 820 series features a LC display for stand-alone operation and the control of a complete offline system.

Dissolution Tester DT 141x Series

The DT 1410 series is based on the proven DT 720 and offers 12, 13 or 14 test stations arranged in two rows for high volume dissolution testing.

Dissolution Tester DT 161x Series

The ERWEKA DT 1610 series offers advanced intelligence and features for stand-alone operation or the control of a complete dissolution offline system.

Digital Dissolution Tester DT 950 Series

The ERWEKA DT 950 Series is the first digital dissolution tester in the market, equipped with the most advanced technology for the requirements of today and the challenges of tomorrow.

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